





使用音调和节奏乐器和声音提供治疗声音和声音治疗技术。使用的音调乐器是喜马拉雅和水晶唱歌碗,锣和调音叉。声乐技巧正在调整(一种音调的演唱 - 通常使用元音),过度演奏(一种同时演唱多种音调的技巧)或口头禅(梵语单词的吟唱)。整体语音治疗或团体语音治疗的实践者也可以使用“声音处理技术”,其结合了运动,呼吸和可视化以及语音。使用框架鼓进行治疗性节律治疗/疗程,并且治疗性打击乐器包括以特定顺序递送的雨鞋,振动器,铃声和其他打击乐器工具以最大化治疗过程。
过去20年收集的信息告诉我们,某些文书似乎以不同的方式影响一个人。BAST训练有素的治疗师使用此信息创建针对其患者的症状状态及其治疗意图的治疗 - 例如,放松治疗与激励治疗非常不同。如果客户有肌肉紧张,喜马拉雅碗可以放在身体上,并以特定的方式播放 - 而如果客户处于慢性疼痛,可以使用锣或水晶碗。在BAST,我们专注于以特定方式组合仪器以影响脑波频率,使人能够进入类似于非常深度放松或冥想的改变的意识状态(ASC)。
声学治疗的BAST方法还使用反射技术使客户能够深入了解他们的个人“唠叨”过程。我们的反射过程方法基于'Cooper Sax经验处理模型:5R'。这个模型也被亲切地称为'The 5Rs'(不太满口!)。反射技术与治疗声音的结合确实使我们能够深入了解一个人的过程,并使他们能够改变生活,改善他们的健康和福祉。
声音治疗在团体和社区工作方面也非常有效 - 我们的研究一直表现出对社区健全工作的积极效益。(3)
  1. 苏塞克斯大学Mindlab进行的研究
  2. Cook,R(2003),BAST声音疗法会议对自主神经系统的影响研究
  3. Cooper,L(2009)的研究,介绍学校治疗声音计划(TheSiS)
  4. Cooper,L(2013)的研究,声音影响 - 治疗声音对意识的影响。


What is Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways to improve health and wellbeing.

The BAST Method of Sound Therapy

The BAST method of sound therapy combines carefully considered therapeutic sound techniques which have been shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology with a form of reflective enquiry (a kind of questioning). This approach has been shown to be very effective at improving health and wellbeing.
The therapeutic sound and sound therapy techniques are delivered using tonal and rhythmic instruments and voice. The tonal instruments used are Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, gongs and tuning forks. The vocal techniques are toning (the singing of one tone – usually using a vowel sound), overtoning (a technique where more than one tone is sung simultaneously) or mantra (the chanting of Sanskrit words). A practitioner of Holistic Voice Therapy or Group Voice Therapy may also use ‘Vocal Processing Techniques’ which combine movement, breath and visualisation as well as voice. A therapeutic rhythm treatment/session is given using frame drum and therapeutic percussion comprises rainsticks, shakers, chimes and other percussion tools delivered in a specific order to maximise the therapeutic process.
Information gathered over the last 20 years has informed us that certain instruments seem to effect a person in different ways.  This information is used by a BAST trained therapist to create a treatment specific to their client’s symptomatic state and their intention for the treatment – a relaxing treatment would be very different from an energising treatment for example. If a client had muscle tension Himalayan bowls may be placed on the body and played in a specific way – whereas if a client was in chronic pain a gong or crystal bowl may be used. At BAST we specialise in combining instruments in a specific way to influence brainwave frequencies, enabling a person to enter an altered state of consciousness (ASC) similar to very deep relaxation or meditation. In this state many different therapeutic process occur which will be explained further in our articles section.
The BAST method of sound therapy also uses reflective techniques to enable a client to gain insight into their personal ‘wholing’ process. Our method of reflective process is based around the ‘Cooper Sax Model of Experiential Processing: The 5Rs’.  This model is also affectionately known as ‘The 5Rs’ (which is less of a mouthful!).  Reflective techniques combined with the therapeutic sound really enables us to gain a deep insight into a person’s process and empower them to make life-changing improvements to their health and wellbeing.
It is now widely accepted that most illness is stress related. Therefore treatment methodologies that promote relaxation and help reduce stress can be a very effective way to prevent and treat illness. The BAST method of sound therapy is very effective at reducing stress (2). It also enables an individual to relax deeply, achieving an altered state of consciousness similar to deep meditation (4).
Research undertaken at BAST (and also independently) has shown that our methodology is 16% more relaxing than conventional relaxation music (1),  6% more relaxing than other treatments such as massage (1) and, on average, 64% more relaxing than other general relaxation methods (2).
Sound therapy is also extremely effective with regard to group and community work – our research has consistently shown positive benefits with regard to community sound work. (3)
  1. Research undertaken at Mindlab, Sussex University
  2. Research by Cook, R (2003), The Effects of a BAST Sound Therapy Session on the Autonomic Nervous System
  3. Research by Cooper, L (2009), Introducing the Therapeutic Sound in Schools Programme (TheSiS)
  4. Research by Cooper, L (2013), Sound Affects – the effect of therapeutic sound on consciousness.




http://s8626460.pixnet.net/blog/post/13851257-%E5%8D%B0%E5%BA%A6%E6%95%99%E4%B8%89%E5%A4%A7%E7%A5%9E%E7%A5%87 梵天 梵天 ( 梵文 : ब्रह्मा , Brahmā ),原为古印度的祈祷神,现 印度教 的创造之神,与 毗湿奴 、 湿婆 并称三主神。他的坐骑为 孔雀 (或 天鹅 ),配偶为智慧女神 辩才天女 ,故梵天也常被认为是智慧之神。全印度几万座印度教 寺庙 中供奉梵天的寺庙却极为少见,现存最有名的专门供奉梵天的地方位在 拉贾斯坦邦 城镇 普斯赫卡尔 ,其他各地 印度教 徒大多供奉 湿婆 和 毗湿奴 。 佛教也将梵天吸纳为护法神之一,在 南传佛教 的 东南亚 ,尤其 泰国 ,得到很大的发挥, 华人 称之为 四面佛 / 四面神 ,据说有保佑人间富贵吉祥的功能,在东南亚有非常多信众。 在 梵文 语法里, ब्रह्मा ( brahmā )是泛称中性词 brahman 的主格单数型。 梵天在 马来语 和 泰语 里分别称为 Berahma 和 Phra Phrom 。 四只手臂 :象征东、西、南、北四个方向,也象征心灵(右后方手臂)、智慧(左后方手臂)、自我(右前方手臂)、自信(左前方手臂)。 吠陀经 :语言的一切。 黄金 :象征活跃在宇宙中,而金脸则代表梵天在创造宇宙时是处于活跃状态的。 孔雀 (或 天鹅 ):象征辨别力,是梵天的座骑。 王冠 :象征最高地位。 莲花 :皇座。 胡须 :长有黑色或白色的须象征智慧的永恒成长。包括了鬓、髯、髭。  四张脸 :四大皆空。 梵天的坐骑是一只 孔雀 (一说 天鹅 )。在 印度教 里,凡是孔雀坐骑的天神皆是三相神,代表着天生能分辨善恶,继而扬善弃恶。 虽然梵天在印度教里是三位主神的其中一位,但少有印度教徒实际崇拜他。今天的印度有好几万座寺庙供奉三位主神之二的 毗湿奴 和 湿婆 ,但供奉梵天的寺庙却并不多见。 现存最有名的梵天寺庙位在 拉贾斯坦邦 城镇 普斯赫卡尔 。到了一年一度的 月圆之夜 (10-11月间),人们便会开始为梵天而欢庆一番。上千名朝拜者会蜂拥至 梵天寺庙 旁的圣湖 普须卡湖 进行沐浴。 ==============================...

跗骨隧道症候群(tarsal tunnel syndrome)

跗骨隧道症候群Tarsal tunnel syndrome 一、蹠面筋膜是從跟骨的蹠面內外側結節往前伸出形成的筋膜,附著於蹠骨頭及近端趾骨,為多層的結構,有內側中間及外側等三個構成部份,中間部份為主要部份且最厚。二、顧名思義,蹠面(足底)筋膜炎是指足底的筋膜發炎,在病人的跟骨蹠面,即蹠腱膜(plantar-aponeurosis)附著部位,常於早晨下床時或坐久之後踩地時發生疼痛。疼痛之原因與發炎有關,而發炎乃因足底筋膜在跟骨附著處受到反覆不斷的牽引造   成,蹠面筋膜炎為成人足跟疼痛的常見原因之一,且為跑步者(runners)足跟痛的最常見原因。三、患者來門診看病時常指出腳掌內側接近腳跟處疼痛最厲害,而我們對患者作檢查(Physical examination)時,可發現跟骨的內側蹠面有壓痛及輕度腫脹或足趾背曲時會產生疼痛。然而在X-光〈X-ray)攝影方面,約50%的患者可見骨贅(spur)形   成在跟骨結節的蹠腱膜附著處,但是疼痛並不直接與骨贅有相關,可能是發炎或機性刺激(牽引)引起的反應性變化,而非骨贅引起蹠面筋膜炎的產生,因此骨贅切除在治療方面並不合適。四、在Berkowitz、Kier及Rudicel’s的研究報告中指出,蹠面筋膜在核磁共振影像(MRI)上的平均正常厚度,不管是矢狀面或是冠狀面,皆大約為3mm,在有症狀的患者則可見厚度約7~8mm。五、我們發現許多病人有體重過重及工作必須久站的現象,然而從文獻報告上提出,引起蹠面筋膜炎最常見的原因是重覆的機械性壓力(repetitive mechanical stress),譬如在跑步者、肥胖者,過度旋前的腳(excessively pronated feet)及足跟墊萎縮者,常可見到蹠面筋膜炎的發生。六、臨床上,必須與蹠面筋膜炎區別診斷的疾病包括:蹠弓扭傷(Plantar arch strain):疼痛處直接在蹠弓的地方。腦神經的內側跟骨分支壓迫:疼痛處在足跟蹠面更內側。跗部隧道神經壓迫症候群(Tarsal tunnel syndrome):疼痛處在腳踝及足跟的內側面;此疾病通常是後脛神經(posteriortibial nerve)通過由脛骨內踝部及屈曲支持帶(flexor retinaculum)所形成的隧道內;或是後脛神經的兩分支內蹠神經(medial plantar nerve)及外蹠神經...

[Q] spring cloud 用到 hystrix 时报找不到类的错误

 报错如下: Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/Validate] with root cause  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/Validate  at com.netflix.hystrix.contrib.javanica.aop.aspectj.HystrixCommandAspect.methodsAnnotatedWithHystrixCommand(HystrixCommandAspect.java:78) ~[hystrix-javanica-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3] 找到maven目录看,有下面这个jar,解压看,有Validate类, commons-lang3/3.3.1.jar 奇怪了,又用反编译看看 jd-gui-1.4.0.jar 看到反编译不出来。于是重新下载过,之后可以了。 怀疑是maven下载过程中出错吧。